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Can't Get Rid of Lawn Weeds? Here's Why You May Be Failing at Weed Control

As someone who cares about their lawn’s appearance, weeds are likely one of your biggest gripes. While you may have tried to get rid of lawn weeds in the past, or maybe you even hired a professional to handle it, there are often some stubborn weeds that just won’t seem to go away.

There are actually a number of reasons why you may be failing at weed control, and it’s not always easily solvable, either. Some weeds are persistent, even when you’ve invested in a professional lawn care program with weed control.

We believe that realistic expectations are of critical importance when it comes to understanding what’s going on in your yard in the Memphis, TN or Northern Mississippi area. That’s why we’ll explore some of the most common reasons why you may be continuously struggling with weeds.

You’re Taking a DIY Approach

If you’re trying to get rid of lawn weeds on your own, there are actually a few key reasons why you may be failing. 

  • You’re not using the best products. The products that are available at big box stores are simply not going to be as effective as what a professional is using for weed control. That lack of potency may be why you’re failing.
  • You’re not treating at the right time. A lot of people just think a weed is a weed. But what they don’t realize that different weeds germinate at different times of the year. Getting rid of weeds means using different products at different times of the year. It also often means using specialty products (a point we will address in more depth below).
  • You’re only treating once. While we will address this in greater depth, next, it’s worth noting that many aggressive weeds require multiple treatments.

Some Weeds are Insanely Persistent

When it comes to lawn weeds, there are some that are easy-to-control and some that are not. The easy-to-control weeds may be able to be knocked down with just one or two applications. 


Unfortunately, we have a lot of highly persistent weeds that require multiple treatments. Some of the most difficult-to-control weeds include some of the following common ones.

  • Crabgrass
  • Spurge
  • Nutsedge
  • Monkey Grass
  • Virginia Buttonweed

While that is by no means a comprehensive list (unfortunately there are many more weeds than that), these are 5 of the most difficult-to-control weeds that we happen to see quite often.

That doesn’t mean nothing can be done to address them. But it does mean that it will often take multiple treatment applications.

Specialty Controls May Be Necessary

In addition to the number of treatments, specialty products might also be needed in order to have success with weed control.


Nutsedge and Monkey Grass, for instance, are examples of 2 weeds that need specialty controls to be addressed. 

How to deal with this situation requires a case-by-case evaluation. Sometimes, we may leave those weeds alone but make a strong effort with aeration and overseeding to fill your lawn in with healthy turf. That will make it more difficult for unwanted grasses to thrive. We’ll cover that point, next.

Your Lawn May Need Aeration and Overseeding

A lot of people overlook how soil health can play a role in weed control. But good soil health is incredibly important when it comes to growing healthy grass and it is ultimately your healthy grass that will choke out unwanted grass and weeds. Aeration and overseeding is a valuable service that will improve the overall health of your soil by reducing soil compaction and allowing more water, oxygen, and nutrients to penetrate to your turf’s root zone.

technician performing lawn aeration

This is also important as many weeds thrive in compacted soil. Crabgrass, for instance, is an opportunistic weed that will thrive in compacted soil, quickly filling in bare spots where the grass is struggling to grow. If you can’t seem to get rid of weeds in the lawn, solving your compaction problem may actually help your lawn to become thicker, resulting in fewer weeds. 

Working With a Pro to Get Rid of Lawn Weeds

Getting rid of weeds is a bit more complicated than most people realize. If you have certain weeds in your lawn that just keep coming back, no matter what you seem to do, then you may require a professional consultation on how to best address your problem.

lawn care technician consultation with customer

Of course, on top of weed control, a full lawn care program that is going to promote a healthy lawn will also make a big difference in choking out weeds. Since many weeds thrive in unhealthy turf conditions, simply improving the overall health of your lawn will play a big role in reducing weeds.

Ultimately, it is your choice. You can go on feeling frustrated and out of control when it comes to getting rid of lawn weeds. Or, you can take action and put a pro in charge of developing and executing a game plan. Bottom line? You don’t have to go on letting weeds win. You can have the healthy lawn you deserve.

Ready to fight weeds with a pro on your side? Talk to a lawn care expert, choose from 3 program options, and become the master of your lawn.

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Image sources: nutsedge, monkey grass,

Michael Hatcher

Michael Hatcher is Founder / Chairman of Michael Hatcher & Associates.

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